Dr Med. Nicole Fournet Irion
Spécialiste FMH médecine de la reproduction et endocrinologie gynécologique Coordinatrice scientifique

Expériences :
- From 2023 - Scientific coordinator at FertiGenève
- From 2005 - Consultant physician, Reproductive Medicine, HUG
- 1997-2022 - Private practice focusing on reproductive medicine and infertility treatment
- 1992-1997 – Senior registrar, HUG
- 1990-1992 – Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine and Gynecologic Endocrinology, UCLA, USA
- 1986-1990 - Internship and residency in gynecology and obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, USA
- 1983 - Federal Degree in medicine, University of Geneva
Langues :
French, English